As far as what you said:
First, I am happy to speak my mind here. It's an internet board, and unlikely to have serious negative ramifications for my life (unlike expressing my views with a Republican boss around might, for instance). However, like I mentioned, I usually don't post simply because someone else has already said what I would, and only if someone hasn't do I step in. I post if I think I have something of value or importance to add to the conversation, which isn't often (note my sig line, which I forgot about, ha). My question really revolved more around the issue of whether that was something members would appreciate seeing than my comfort level and desire to post.
Second, if being labeled as a feminist and being associated with HOF has me discounted by some, screw 'em. I fully support almost everything I've seen in this forum and I believe that those who are truly against HOF and feminism should not be considered progressives.
As far as jury duty goes, I serve as often as possible, though with a still low post count and relatively new membership that isn't much. I am trying to decide whether to become a star member for that very reason. I don't think I will stay out of threads for the sole purpose of juries, though. My reasoning is that (at least in my experience) the replies are almost always more valuable than the hides. While many posts absolutely should be hidden, I would rather see someone speaking out against it and the post escaping being hid than vice versa. I personally learn much more from those responses, and were the people speaking out to avoid responding in order to help hide posts, I would miss their responses quite a bit.
Again, thanks for your response. It was quite helpful.
Edit: rereading my post, it seems as if maybe this wasn't the right place for the question. If a host thinks this should have been through pms or elsewhere, I will happily self delete. Perhaps it might help another quiet member, though. I don't know.