I need some help. [View all]
My sister in law is starting a basic home cleaning service to make some extra money, she was recently laid off. She's done this kind of work over the years with some family and friends. She is looking to branch out and maybe do some neighborhood houses. Nothing big, she's lived in her same neighborhood for many years and many have asked her about her services.
She set up an e-mail and is ready to pursue a mission statement per my advice. I've been wracking my brain all day to come up with something that sounds professional and not corporate too sounding... this is a small endeavor and not anywhere near being a large business. We did set up a Tax ID however. I work in corporate hell and have no idea how to phrase.
I know you Women here have excellent language and communication skills! Anyone out there that can kinda help me write up something?
The crux of her statement is mainly basic housecleaning services by an honest hard working Woman. My SIL is is 63 and looking to help supplement her income. Mad respect for her!
I know this isn't HoF material but If I go out on the boards to ask for this kind of help I am sure I'll be ripped to shreds. If it's not cool I'll delete.
Anyhoo... any takers?