From the excerpt below, one would have to have shut out everything that the GOP has been saying about women over the past few years. They keep ratcheting up the rhetoric.
They say they need to reach out to women to get their vote, then they turn around and backhand them across the face.
Is it really surprising to anyone that a Santorum staffer said, in the run up to the last election, that women shouldnt be President because its against Gods will? What about the news commentator who thinks women shouldnt be allowed to vote? The Senate candidate who thinks rape is a gift from God? Or the Senator and presidential aspirant who thinks its just another form of conception? Or the doctor who thinks women deserve to die for having abortions? How about the nominee for lieutenant governor of Virginia who thinks fetal birth defects are punishment for parents' (read: mothers) sins? If women die bearing children, so what, thats what were here for.
Even if we insist on not talking about the degree to which legislators' religious beliefs inform their political actions, it is obvious that they do. An entire political partys social policy agenda is being pursued under a rubric that insists women need permission slips and waiting periods. The recent shutdown? Conservatives holding the country hostage because they want to add anti-abortion conscience clause language to legislation. Whose consciences are we talking about? All the morally incompetent and untrustworthy men who need abortions?
Its no exaggeration to say that distrust of women is the driving force of the social issues agenda of the Republican Party. From food stamps and legitimate rape, to violence against women and immigration policy. We need to target the mother. Call it sexist, but thats the way nature made it, explained the man who penned Arizonas immigration law. Men dont drop anchor babies, illegal alien mothers do. I could do this ad infinitum.
The pervasive message that women are untrustworthy liars is atomized in our culture. There is no one source or manifestation. It fills every nook and cranny of our lives.
Thanks for the OP, seabeyond.