History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: What I learned today on DU: [View all]ismnotwasm
(42,486 posts)When I was young, I thought he was simply a sexist. But I came to realize that he finds all human beings a threat and, thus despicable. I took off at 14, and although I physically returned, my mind was set free forever.
Now did I take damage from that kind of upbringing? Of the experiences of the street? From poverty? From hunger? You bet. A better question is do I sustain damage from that upbringing?
Fuck no. I learned right and wrong by watching a lot of wrong. I sustained knowledge. And came to terms with it. I have a sense of commonality with the human condition that was hard earned and can turn to snobbery in a heartbeat, because I have a difficult time suffering fools. Call it a character defect.
I'm content with who and what I am. A very proud feminist.
I would suggest to those throwing stones that sometimes we forget how much of ourselves we reveal on-line. A quick search of names and posts tell a story.
Now who really is damaged and bitter? Hint: it's not HoF members.