ct was discussing finding du for the first time and what it meant to her. i thought back about my [View all]
own experience, and why du matters to me. so, if you are a long timer and want to, think back to when you found du and what it meant to you. and please share, if you have the want.
feb 2004 living in the panhandle of texas. with a repug hubby that didnt want to talk politics. du was a godsend. literally a life saver. i can remember when i first found the site feb 2004.... sittin late into the night.. joyous that i found people that spoke so much like me. finally able to express without continued attack.
and, respectful to women. blacks. gays. you had to be. or the message was deleted. or kicked off.
that simple.
that is what i wrote to ct, but i would like to expand. i am a californian and i moved to texas. i had spent a decade here. my kids going to a christian private school (fundamentalism was foreign to me), that is the only type of private we have and i bought into the public schools being horrible. i was wrong. i did not know one, not ONE democrat. we were going into the election of 2004 with the christian coalition at its height of voice, beating democrats up. i was listening to my boys teachers and superintendent telling the kids, kerry is a murderer and democrats are heathens. (huge story, do not take it at face value). so, when i say that du was a life saver, i mean it. and probably saved my marriage, too. allowing me to express what i needed to say and be heard, soothed where i needed to be soothed, with like voices. it allowed me to be ultra informed on everything that was happening. and when faced with lies i was prepared and could easily deflate any and all lies. we remember the bush time. and the so many many lies.
that is my story.