Largest Fast Food Walkout Begins in Seven Cities | The Nation [View all]
Samwise @SamwiseEyes
Largest Fast Food Walkout Begins in Seven Cities | The Nation
In America, people who work hard should be able to afford basic necessities like groceries, rent, childcare and transportation. While fast food corporations reap the benefits of record profits, workers are barely getting bymany are forced to be on public assistance despite having a job. Raising pay for fast food workers will benefit workers and strengthen the overall economy.
The website says that the $11,000 average annual salary of fast food workers in New York compares to a $25,000 average daily salary of fast food firm chief executives.
Westin told New York radio station 1010 WINS that fast food workers are not paid a living wage despite having to raise families.
A lot of the workers are living in poverty, you know, not being able to afford to put food on the table or take the train to work, he said. The workers are striking over the fact that they cant continue to maintain their families on the wages theyre being paid in the fast food industry.
(More at the link.)