Anonymous opliberation1 : Occupy the Judge Rotenberg Center (Update: Website is Tango Down) (Update2 [View all]
Last edited Thu Jan 10, 2013, 06:11 PM - Edit history (2)
Occupy the Judge Rotenberg Center
"Will you be a part of the change... Or will you condone torture?
The Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) is a school and treatment facility based in Canton, Massachusetts that uses electric shocks (remotely administered through devices that are required to be worn on the student's body throughout the day), withholding of food and other abuses in the name of 'behavioral change' all geared toward kids and adults with developmental challenges, autism and/or psychiatric and emotional difficulties. Other accusations against the school have included reports of excessive use of restraints and forced inhalation of ammonia. Former teachers, parents and advocates have spoken out about the obvious traumatic impact of these measures on both the children who are treated in this way and the children who witness their classmates being so treated. IT IS THE ONLY SCHOOL IN THE NATION THAT USES THIS PAINFUL 'AVERSIVE' CONDITIONING."
(Videos of shock conditioning at the link.)
Anonymous @opliberation1
From June 2, 2012 #occupyJRC
WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY #TortureIsNotTreatment
Why? @tourtored1221
CAFETY takes part in Protests against JRC - The Judge Rotenberg Center - June 2, 2012 #occupyJRC
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Published on Jun 2, 2012
As survivor members of CAFETY, once as children held captive against our will, utterly powerless, tortured in the name of treatment, we recognize now that we DID NOT deserve to be penalized for our natural responses and subjected to the horrors done to us in the name of treatment.
Jan. 9:
Anonymous @opliberation1 We deem you unsafe for children So.. Burn. #TANGODOWN #opliberation #ChildAbuse #TortureIsNotTreatment
Jan. 10:
Becky @yobluemama2
#FDA says shock devices not FDA-approved are used in violation of federal law by Judge Rotenberg Center #OccupyJRC
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Reddit TroubledTeens @r_TroubledTeens
Reddit: Woohoo! Media coverage for #OccupyJRC protest against electric shocks on children: submitted by pixe...
Retweeted by Anonymous
Community Alliance @CAFETY
TV News story on JRC meeting at FDA Headquarters. #OccupyJRC protest covered! Kudos to our allies at Occupy the...
Retweeted by Anonymous