Understanding the recount - pls read [View all]
This is a bit long, but I think totally worth understanding. Please read.
I been trying to understand the recount process, where the hacking/fraud might have happened, and why some people think this is a big deal. What I've found has astounded me. The thing is though, I didn't find this easily. I pretty much investigated by following a bunch of people on Twitter, asking questions and connecting the dots. Two very important people fighting this battle are Greg Palast and Joy Reid.If you can, please follow them on Twitter to understand more. I'l give a simple synoposis here.
Essentially, this is not a recount to check for human errors. This is also not a recount to address or check for "hacking" of voting machines. Both of the above might have happened, but not at the scale that can reverse 10,000+ votes.
The real fraud is through this program called "Interstate Crosscheck" #Crosscheck. This happened before the elections. Essentially for many many counties, first and last names were compared across states. If there were two names that were the same, they were purged from the voter rolls as trying to vote twice. This was done very very disproportionately to minorities (Asian, Hispanic and Black) voters. You can imagine a name like "Lily Wu" or "Alice Henderson" being there in multiple states for multiple people. The thing is that, intentionally, middle names were NOT included in this Crosscheck, thereby increasing the number of people purged from the voter rolls. Since trying to vote twice is a "felony", these people are considered "criminals". The suspect list of potential criminals contains an astonishing SEVEN MILLION NAMESnaming ONE IN SEVEN voters of color in the Crosscheck states.
These people did not know they were purged. So what happens when they show up to vote? They are given "provisional" (placebo) ballots. But these ballots were NEVER counted. For example, in Michigan (I think), the provisional ballots were 300,000 but margin of victory is around 10,000.
The recount by Greg Palast (who is a reporter in Rolling Stones) asks for counting ALL absentee and provisional ballots. That's why the winner could change. In addition, he has a petition asking #Crosscheck to release the names of the people purged from the rolls so as to prove the disproportionately high minority list. Please see his petition here (and sign):