deal with people wishing me happy birthday or inquiring into my plans. I rarely ever did anything only once and a while would I 'treat' myself to some outing or the like. I've since stopped caring as much and while I'd still rather not work, I just feel a bit like I should treat myself to not dealing with people I don't want to deal with on that day, granted I feel like that all the time but still.
I also worked a bit more on holidays because I didn't have anything going on to help out those that did but the last few years I've been less inclined to volunteer for that abuse. I'll still stick around to help out and lessen the burden of others but not so much volunteer for the honor of basically getting screwed, I think that's more how my jobs were in previous years vs now.
My natural feeling and inclination is to ignore them all it is just when I have to deal with other people that I have to engage in their celebration. I'm almost always caught off guard with holidays greetings/wishes because they are just another day and if I'm lucky a paid day off for me.