You read that headline correctly.
Stephanie Seneff first came to skeptical attention when she published a study claiming that vaccines were linked to autism. She trolled through the VAERS database and, as David Gorski noted,
tortured the data until it confessed. Last year she published a paper in which she claimed
glyphosate caused autism, claims which I addressed almost a year ago. Gorski also deconstructed this paper, noting, In fact, if you look at the slides for Seneffs talks (e.g., this one, available at her
MIT web page), youll find a tour de force of confusing correlation with causation
Seneff is a computer scientists who apparently is anti-vaccine and anti-GMO. In a stunning example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, she feels she can take her computer expertise and export it to biology. She nicely demonstrates that expertise is not so easily transferable.
From autism to concussions
Last year she also published a paper, which escaped my attention until it was recently pointed out to me, claiming that glyphosate, GMOs, and other modern lifestyle factors are responsible for the recent increase in concussions. Her co-author on the paper is Wendy Morely, who is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist specializing in the nutrition of concussion. Neither author has any neuroscience background.
In order to make this claim the authors have to take the reader on a wild ride of speculation, over-interpretation of the literature, tenuous links, cherry picked data, and confusing correlation with causation, all guided by motivated reasoning to arrive at a pre-determined destination.
The authors propose the existence of, Diminished brain resilience syndrome. In fact, they propose many entirely new concepts in the paper, all without doing any actual research or presenting any actual data. It is a long and tortured argument, but lets see if I can briefly summarize.
Essentially they argue that concussions are on the increase because the general population had poor nutrition, disordered gut microbiota, and increased exposure to toxins (specifically glyphosate and GMOs) which render the brain less resilient to injury and less able to repair itself after injury.
Well, reading this certainly gave me a concussion.