Toxic Christianity says once you're "saved," you can lie, cheat, steal, and even murder if you do it for Jebus--the god of assisted living in a nutshell. Pretty seductive stuff, no? You embezzle thousands from a children's charity and as long as you tithe part of it to your crooked minister, it's just peachy.
The RCC's scientific acceptance and moral authority end where women begin. Period, full stop. Francis might be a breath of fresh air compared to most of those conservative old geezers, but he's still got a blind spot big enough for half the human race, something that should never be forgotten. Catholics know this and are more likely to be pro choice than their Protestant cousins.
Burning the churches down is a loser's game, it just makes the faithful angry and defensive and more likely to cling to ecclesiastical nonsense. It's cowardly and doesn't work. Speaking out in them is a revolutionary act. So is getting up and walking out during an offensive sermon, if one is tongue tied in front of a priest/preacher.
Perhaps some fine day when millennial fever is remembered only by those Gen Xers left eating their pureed peas in an old folks' home, those glittering megachurches will be entertainment venues and people will go back to being sensible sorts of are religious on Sunday mornings and sinners the rest of the week. Until then, calling them out is the best we can do. Red paint on the worst of them wouldn't be out of the question, but that, too, will just make them angry and defensive.