Sincerely Held Beliefs - Angel/Psychic/Seer Daniel Perez [View all]
NOTE: this is posted in the Atheists/Agnostics Group, a safe haven for the irreligious. If your own Sincerely Held Beliefs are ruffled by this post, contact the Hosts for a full refund.
Along with his nifty supernatural attributes, we can now add "convicted murderer/child rapist/insurance fraudster Daniel Perez."
Is anybody else following the case of Perez, a/k/a Lou Castro? It's a real stunner. Perez ran a sort of commune/cult in rural Kansas. When he got low on cash, he would arrange to kill a disciple and collect their life insurance.
Naturally, Perez recruited people by appeals to their common sense and rational thinking...
Perez claimed he was a psychic and a seer, and told Sarah and Emily’s mom that he was hundreds, maybe thousands of years old. This information made Emily feel cool and special because it felt like she was around something that no one else got to be around...
Emily revealed on Dateline that she shared Perez (who she called Lou)’s bed when she was 10 years old every single night. “He convinced me that this is what I needed to do to take care of him. This was my job,” she said. “He said that for a seer, he needed to have a pure little girl to have sex with him so he could survive. He would validate it with old Biblical stories.”
Her sister Sarah said she felt jealous of Emily because he treated her with more kindness. He raped Sarah “hundreds of times,” as punishment, and justified his actions because he was an angel. He would tell Sarah and others that he would take their souls to purgatory if they disobeyed him.
How, in the Year Of Our Lard 2015, can anybody believe this sort of crap? The kids I can understand. But grown-ass functioning adults? Who put their own kids together with this guy? What the actual fuck?
Surely DU has some theology experts who can explain this to me. It'll have to be a theology expert, I guess. Since I was just reading, in Another Group, that secular dumbasses like Daniel Dennett lack the brainpower to understand the subtle shadings and nuances of religious thought.