Briarwood Presbyterian Church (PCA) and school wants its own police force [View all]
Briarwood Presbyterian Church and school wants its own police department.
Sworn. Professional. Serious. I'm serious.
A bill advertised by the Alabama Messenger – fulfilling the requirement of all bills before they can be introduced in the Legislature – would allow Briarwood to "appoint and employ one or more persons to act as police officers to protect the safety and integrity of the church and its ministries."
Those persons would be "charged with all of the duties and invested with all the powers of law enforcement in this state."
"The authority of any police officer appointed and employed pursuant to this section shall be restricted to the campuses and properties of Briarwood Presbyterian Church," it says.
Meaning that if passed, churchgoers or students or visitors anyone who sets foot on the grounds of Briarwood's Church or its school properties could be arrested by an officer of a private, non-profit company – a church to boot – that is appointed and hired by people who are not chosen at the ballot box.
What could possibly go wrong?