Joke Competition; Signed Dawkins Books as Prize [View all]
In honor of Dawkins' birthday tomorrow I'm running a genuine competition.
I am getting rid of almost all my dead tree books to clear space and in favor of digital versions; using donations mostly. However it struck me that folks here might appreciate a couple of them more than a random used book joint. I have signed recent edition paperbacks of The Blind Watchmaker and Climbing Mount Improbable in read but excellent condition, and since it wouldn't be fair just picking someone or resorting to chance first responses I'm going to run a joke contest.
Rules: Submit an evolution/creationism based joke that would make even the famously reserved Richard himself giggle in this thread between now and midnight on his birthday tomorrow.
Because it's my contest I'll pick a shortlist.
Because I'm not the only arbiter of humor and don't want to be accused of picking favorites for some reason, I'll post a poll here for everyone to vote on the shortlist.
Majority rules and top vote getter will get the books mailed at my expense. Yes you'll have to PM me an address but a) it could be work or a friend's b) I'm not a psycho stalker nor interested in becoming one.
Have fun!