Sunken temple reveals 'treasures and secrets' in mysterious underwater city [View all]
Gold and silver treasure discovered in the ancient Egyptian city of Thonis-Heracleion
Jabed Ahmed
19 hours ago

Weapons thousands of years old and ritual items indicating ancient Greeks were taking living in Thonis-Heracleion before it sunk
(Christoph Gerigk/Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation)
They lay hidden on the ocean bed for more than 1,000 years, but now the treasures and secrets of an ancient city off the coastline of Egypt are being uncovered.
The remains of a massive temple and a sanctuary dedicated to the Greek goddess of Aphrodite have been discovered in the underwater port city of Thonis-Heracleion by a team led by the European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (IEASM).
The team explored the city’s south canal, where huge blocks of stone from the Amun temple were believed to have crumbled “during a cataclysmic event dated to the mid-2nd Century BC”, according to the IEASM.
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