we do not understand about our existence as humans on a small "blue marble" in a very vast universe. We have made, as humans, great strides in understanding our physical body and how it works, hence our longer life span than our ancestors in preceding times. We are gaining knowledge of our neurological process that is helping us understand things like strokes, Alzheimers, neuropathy and such maladies of the brain and nervous system, yet we still are in the "why is this happening" stage? When it comes to our 'spriritual' nature we know only that it might be there. All other ideas of our spiritual nature are merely theories put forth by religious people either well meaning or with a control the people agenda. Those latter types are, I feel, are responsible for your being banned from the Buddhist group. Your experiences are unexplainable, yet I believe real and for people to be afraid of them only shows their fear. I am glad to read of your experiences because too many people here on this planet NEVER think of how much we don't know or care to know. I believe part of the purpose we are allowed existence on this reasoning plain is to search out that 'truth' without using greed, avarice and control that religionists use to thwart that individual search. Buddhism, without the controlling people is a perfect vehicle, I believe to search ourselves and our physical spiritual existence, hence monks walking alone contemplating our place in the cosmos, at least this is my search as a believer in the Southern School or Theravada buddhism of Thailand.
I was introduced to buddhism in 1969 while in Thailand on R&R from Vietnam(a short poignant, I think, experience in itself). I was in Pataya away from the town/resort and walking alone in the hills above Pataya contemplating my existence. Vietnam had really started me wondering about the creator of this mess called human existence. I was stationed in a small base camp in the delta. I was stationed with Thais who were there as allied forces to the american effort at stopping the so called Domino Theory of the geopolitical thinking of the time from becoming a reality in that part of the world. It was bullshit to cover many other agendas of our country as well as trying out our force of arms in a S.E. Asia jungle warfare scenario. But back to religion/buddhism.
Buddhism, as founded by Gotama the Buddha, had reached it's 2500th year in 1957-8 according to some. It's no surprise that many in Europe and America took a renewed interest in searching for the Truth after the catastrophic calamity called WW2.
If you are interested in my journey since 1969....we can converse. Yours is a very interesting revelation on spiritual matters.