Seekers on Unique Paths
In reply to the discussion: The post that got me banned from the whole Buddhist group [View all]Yooperman
(592 posts)Thank you for sharing your experiences.
This is what I have learned.
We all are non-physical beings of light energy. Our Soul chooses to experience this low vibration physical dimension. We choose to live out many lives with many other beings and have goals in each physical life to learn specific lessons that help us grow and evolve as spiritual beings.
All matter is actually consciousness. Small packets of conscious energy form this dimension.
In my opinion, during your seizure, your spirit was no longer confined to your body. During this time you actually returned to the dimension we come from. There time does not exist as we perceive it here. With that... you very well could have been able to connect with "the bed" ... or a "wall" and understand the reality of it in away that we can not while conscious in the human form. For thousands of years humans have used drugs to leave this dimension and speak with non-physical beings or enter animals and see through their bodies. The way you describe becoming the object... sounds very Native American to me. Although I am sure Shamans from around the world would be the same. That all things have a "spirit".
There is a book called "Countdown to Coherence" by Hazel Courtney. Truly fascinating book that gets into this topic a bit more than I can effectively explain.
Your Soul is constantly connected with you and will try to communicate to it's lower self in this dimension throughout your life. Dreams are one way....and it appears that yours has used dreams several times throughout your life to get a message to you. Just remember not all dreams are messages.. some are just that dreams. But the impactful ones can be.... when you wake up and are in awe of what you just experienced. My Father came to me the day after his funeral in my dream. I KNOW he did... I walked into the kitchen to see him sitting at the table and I said "What are you doing here?" Knowing he was dead. He walked over to me and gave me a bear hug and whispered in my ear that he was very proud of me. This happens way more often than people realize as most people don't share these type of feelings for fear of ridicule.
My ex-wife once had her best friend come to her while we were driving back home from a distant city. "Susan is here! Susan died!" my wife said. "She came to say everything is ok and that she Loved her and just wanted to thank me for being her best friend". I looked at my wife and said "I guess we will find out when we get home.".... When we got home my sister in law was waiting for us. As soon as we entered the kitchen my wife looked at her and said.."Susan died didn't she?" SIL "Yes... how did you know?" You see Susan had died the day before. She lived in a distant state and although they had been best of friends growing up as kids... they both had their own lives and families to raise and only spoke with each other once or twice a year.
So I concur with you... we don't have to worry about what happens when we pass from this dimension to the next... we do it over many times learning, growing.... evolving. Trying to get everything we can out of the experiences of living as a human on planet Earth. Then we analyze the experiences with our guides and masters.... and make a choice to come back or move on to other places and experiences.
In closing... I have read countless books. They find me. Throughout my life my passion to learn the truth has brought me the exact book for the exact need of the time. Three books top the list.... life changing for me ... "The Mustard Seed" by Osho.. I read this in my twenties... he was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh at the time. Profound is the only word I can say. I physically was shaking while reading it. It dismantled every belief I had been indoctrinated with growing up. "Many Lives Many Masters" Brian L. Weiss. He has written several books since..but this was his first and it was truly groundbreaking information for me. However, all are very very well done and fascinating. Lastly... the latest one to find me "Your Soul's Gift" by Robert Schwartz. Ties together many of the loose ends I had from my years of researching.
I wouldn't get to concerned to what exactly happened during your episode. Just know you learned something very special from it and it changed your life. That is why we come here.
Peace be with you on your Journey.