They almost always have great-looking websites and their videos usually have strong production values. EWTN (which I used to watch before it became obviously right-wing), the Acton Institute, and Church Militant all seem to be part of a concerted effort to make Catholicism and Christianity in general synonymous with the Republican Party platform. Not to go all conspiracy theory but I wouldn't be surprised if corporations and wealthy conservatives were behind many of these organizations.
Interestingly, the official church hierarchy is almost always more "liberal" on certain issues than these organizations. Right-wing organizations like Church Militant always claim to be truly orthodox. They literally think that they are more Catholic than the pope. Michael Sean Winters is right to compare Voris to Charles Maurras. Maurras used the language and symbols of Catholicism in a cynical attempt to make his right-wing movement appealing to French Catholics. Maurras himself was an agnostic for most of his life. These right-wing Catholics remind me of Maurras in that they use images and language from Church history (the Crusades, Lepanto, etc.) in order to suck believers into their demented ideology.
I wish the hierarchy would crack down on these organizations. If the Church could crack down on liberation theologians they could do the same to groups like Church Militant.
Edit: This is why I am wary of most blogs and websites that claim to be Catholic these days. I try to get Church news from neutral sources or from official Church publications. Even more moderate websites like Catholic Answers forum tend to be dominated by right-wing Catholics. Right-wing Catholics seem to have an outsized presence on the Internet compared to Catholics in real life where we are all over the map politically.