I think I must be a total mess [View all]
I should be very happy. I have a wonderful husband who is crazy about me, and I'm crazy about him. I finally sold my farm and have finances figured out.
But I started working in September for a local weekly newspaper; they hired me to be the editor, but that pissed off the girl who had been doing several things (and being called editor) who was still there. (It is very small, which made it perfect for me. Just the right amount of work. I didn't care about the money. I just wanted to do the work). So she never gave me a chance. She and the girl in the front office decided they hated me. I tried to ignore it and work around it. And people loved the newspapers after I started designing and editing them. The boss loved them. But he is in another town, never is present, and I was expected to be doing my thing.
I quit. Yesterday was my last day. I was glad to quit, because the tension in the office was unbearable.
But today I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself.
Is there something going on astrologically that would make all this happen to me?
And for me to be so down about it?