Tonight is the eve of the full moon and the night before Samhain [View all]
It will be at peak fullness at 10:49 a.m. on Saturday, Eastern Daylight Time. As the second full moon of October, it is called a blue moon.
Rituals for positive energy are best done before the peak of fullness.
Tonight my family will light a white candle, cast a circle, do some group breathing, perhaps with a bit of drumming.
Then we will work on raising energy for compassion, healing and protection for our troubled nation in the coming days.
Tomorrow is Samhain, when the gates between the worlds open and allow us to sense the spirits of ancestors and departed loved ones.
One wiccan tradition is the setting of the dumb (meaning silent) supper at the table and inviting the departed loved ones to partake of the feast. A place is set for the spirits, with a portion of the dinner. After welcoming the departed ones, the living eat silently, listening for any messages that might come.
I leave the food out all night along with a lit tealight candle. When day returns, I put the food out for the wild ones to enjoy.
Have a lovely full blue moon!