Alabama Newspaper Inadvertently Shows What Christian Privilege Looks Like [View all]
Alabama Newspaper Inadvertently Shows What Christian Privilege Looks Like
By Terry Firma, June 16, 2020
Some religious privilege makes me want to punch a wall. (For instance, the fact that in some states, Jehovahs Witnesses are exempted from the mandatory reporting of child abuse because their doctrine commands confidentially is insane a free pass for churchy pedophiles.) Other instances of privilege are subtler, and even if theyre not terribly consequential, they can still rankle.
Take this small news item that appeared in an Alabama newspaper yesterday under the headline
Man accused of stealing food from church vehicle
Weird, because the alleged perp turns out to be suspected of taking items from three cars.
Its unclear whether the thief even knew that the vehicle belonged to a church but if he did, why would it matter? Why doesnt the headline say, simply and more accurately, Man accused of stealing items from three vehicles?
The subtle infestation of christian privilege.
That's why.