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Former Guam Archbishop Who Raped Kids Still Gets $1,500 a Month From the Church [View all]
Former Guam Archbishop Who Raped Kids Still Gets $1,500 a Month From the Church
By Terry Firma, May 31, 2020
When Walter Denton, a resident of Guam, was 12 or 13 years old, he was a good Catholic boy, obedient to the church and the men who ran it. So when priest Anthony Apuron asked him to spend the night in the rectory of the church, the flattered boy thought he was was being singled out for special attention.
And in a way, he was.
[Denton] had fallen asleep in the church rectory, where Apuron had asked him to spend the night, and then woke up screaming, laying on his stomach with his hands pinned down and Apuron on top of him.
Not that Apuron was a monster about it or anything.
Denton says when the priest finally stopped, he offered to give Denton straight As in theology class.
But wait, it gets worse. Denton eventually told a friend, and together they worked up the courage to confide in a priest called Jack Niland.
Well boys, the priest allegedly replied. Priesthood is a lonely life. (Niland is now the subject of multiple sexual abuse lawsuits. He died in 2009.)
Five years ago, Denton finally freed himself from his decades-long torment by speaking out publicly against Apuron, who had become the islands powerful Archbishop.
[H]is allegation would help set off a chain of events that has revealed hundreds of sexual abuse cases across multiple decades on Guam and forced the church there to declare bankruptcy, shaking the foundations of a community deeply rooted in the Catholic religion.
Nearly 300 sexual abuse lawsuits have been filed against nearly two dozen priests on the island,
which has a population of just 160,000,
Nearly 300 cases, against 2 dozen priests, in a population of only 160,000.
Think about that.