Ordering each other to regularly go to Confession, to tell priests any bad things someone might have done.
But now cell phone tracking adds a new layer.
I think leaving your WiFi seeker on may also register with nearby businesses too. I regularly visit a store next to a blood donor center; and now I'm getting ads for blood donors.
The better or stronger phones, apps, will also monitor your conversations, and feed you ads for things you talked about.
And of course, Trump's growing police/"security" state loves it.
The NSA by the way, publicly said it can piggyback off such commercial programs. Some also say most robo calls serve an advertiser ...and as a subcontractor, or additional client, the NSA.
And Bannon, a good Catholic (?) with his MA in National Security, was on it.
But don't overlook Jared Kushner, and Brad Parscale (Sp?); Trump's internet computer snoops.
Religion often serves the State, whether it acknowledges that or not, says Sociology. The word "Islam" means "submission." In a region where Church and State were often one and the same.