The parable which gives a thumb nail sketch of the God System is the inappropriately named Prodigal Son. In it, we see that a source energy/God the father produces offspring or souls. The parable follows one's trek away from that world to the physical world where he/soul has to dwell amid unclean flesh/human bodies (reincarnation) until fit to return to its source/creator.
At no time does the creator have anything to do with the physical world. The physical world has its own overseer and manager. This is what Paul means when he says of course there are many gods, but only one supreme god.
If Christians want to say that this world was created by the lord of this world, that could possibly comport with Christian theology as presented by Jesus. To hold that the creator of souls is also the creator of the physical doesn't hold water.
This scheme is also reflected in the Hebrew scriptures. Genesis 1 shows a God who is unseen and works in a world of thoughts and ideas. This God's creations are perfect and therefore obviously not our reality. Genesis 2's god is hardly of the same calibre. It doesn't know everything. It doesn't exist in a world of thought, ideals. It has human emotions.
Both these creation schemes show the same thinking and are far closer to Plato and the Gnostics than the simplistic creation solution offered by some modern Christians.