My dad was Catholic, and mom Protestant, and when I was born, my dad wanted my brother and I to be baptized. The priest refused because as non-catholics, my brother, mom, and myself were all going to hell. (Basically the church was pressuring my dad to convert the rest of the family.)
So my dad walked out and informed him on the way that 'he'd see him in hell too'. There ended the formal religious overtones of my family.
So, I read a lot. A lot, a lot. I mean, kind of a pallid, unhealthy-looking-in-the-sun amount. In my reading, I read a pile of books on Greek, Roman, Norse, and Persian mythology. It was all very interesting, but struck me as made up, and clearly society has discarded it as not true. (Mythos)
Then I encountered a NIV bible. Read it. Was similarly unimpressed. Checked out a number of competing religions and philosophies.
I could see ways in which the stories and 'rules' in these religions might have served one purpose or another that was advantageous to society, but I couldn't see how any of them explained the universe or our place in it.
So I moved on. Read more. Learned more. Followed subjects like Cosmology. Found that while science in general may not have all the answers, it was at least asking what struck me as the right questions.