7 facts about American Catholics [View all]
If you're interested in information about the Roman Catholic Church in the United States, this report from Pew Research offers some insights. I found two of that report's points to be especially relevant, along with a chart that shows some changes.
Catholicism has experienced a greater net loss due to religious switching than has any other religious tradition in the U.S. Overall, 13% of all U.S. adults are former Catholics people who say they were raised in the faith, but now identify as religious nones, as Protestants, or with another religion. By contrast, 2% of U.S. adults are converts to Catholicism people who now identify as Catholic after having been raised in another religion (or no religion). This means that there are 6.5 former Catholics in the U.S. for every convert to the faith.
No other religious group analyzed in the 2014 Religious Landscape Study has experienced anything close to this ratio of losses to gains via religious switching.
7. Large majorities of U.S. Catholics have admired Pope Francis throughout his tenure, but
there are growing signs of discontent. In 2014, 54% of American Catholics gave Francis excellent or good marks for his handling of the churchs sex abuse scandal. But in a Pew Research Center poll conducted in September 2018 shortly after recent reports about sex scandals in the U.S. Catholic Church the share of Catholics saying this had fallen 23 points, to 31%. The recent survey also found that the pontiffs overall approval rating among U.S. Catholics had dropped to 72%, down from 84% in January of this year.
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