Atheist bashing here [View all]
Same old arguments. Theists have no idea how atheists think. So why do they claim they do?
I personally think theres no such thing as an atheist. Deep down inside, everyone knows theres a God. Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness (Romans 2:15). The reality is they dont believe He doesnt exist; they hate Him.
The war against everything related to God, the intense hatred of all religion, and the burning desire to scrub any mention of His name from society betrays their true feelings. The murky reference to separation of church and state is a thinly-veiled false justification. They want to burn one of the most sacred aspects of the First Amendment, freedom of religion, to the ground and rename it freedom from religion. They react to any mention of the divine like kryptonite and go berserk trying to wipe it out with the same obsessive compulsive reaction as a germaphobe washing his hands twenty times in a row.
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Theres just something about modern atheism thats unappealing to me. It doesnt strike me as an honest attempt at reason or truth like it claims to be. Its too dismissive, too sure of itself, and tries too hard to be outrageous and really stick it to religious people. Atheists who march, wave signs, file lawsuits, and troll social media spend so much effort in what seem to be desperate cries for attention to mask their own insecurities.
Says the man who writes a weekly blog and has just finished his first book.
In closing, some religious love for atheists.
And thats the twist. Atheists dont want Gods name to be mentioned publicly. But this will come back around to them. It isnt His name that wont be mentioned in eternity. Its theirs. No matter how much they blaspheme Him in eternity, He wont hear. The most horrifying punishment imaginable, worse than the fire and burning and darkness, is eternal separation. To be erased from Gods memory. To have your name forgotten by Him and all your loved ones in heaven, never to be remembered again. Why not surrender to His love here on Earth, while theres still time? Psalm 9:17: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.