In the Mood for Some Pseudo-Religious Codswallop? [View all]
Andrew Sullivan has a new article out in New York Magazine, wherein he defines religion as, well, just about any freaking thing at all that anyone believes, more or less. It's a perfect read for the confused, bemused, and refused out there for whom religion is a complete mystery and who thinks it should remain so.
Synthesizing a miles-broad collection of ideas, Sullivan wanders freely across the philosophical landscape, shod in only the flimsiest of footwear, leaving faint, bloody footprints as he goes. Read it to learn that even atheism is a religion, of an "attenuated form." There's something for everyone in this article to scoff at, I promise you.
I won't quote from the lengthy ramblings. I'll leave it to you to go and root around in its collection of misplaced ideas and foggy conclusions.
Highly recommended, especially for those who are already confused by it all (Guy?).
It's going to be all the rage, I guarantee!