In reply to the discussion: Well, Trump Got Prayed Over Again. [View all]The Velveteen Ocelot
(121,883 posts)which is something that could mess up one's head. But I'm guessing he did a lot of praying, which probably at least made him feel better. And he did finally get released, even if God either doesn't exist or had nothing to do with it. So considering his religious tradition he probably thinks his prayers were finally answered. However, I don't think Trump is capable of acquiring supernatural wisdom or any other kind; that prayer will wind up in God's office shredder if he does exist, or nowhere at all if he doesn't.
For my part, I'm an agnostic, which some consider intellectually lazy but that's OK with me. As an agnostic I can opt out of pointless arguments about something that can't be objectively proved one way or the other, and the existence or non-existence of God, or a god or gods, is something I can't do anything about anyhow. If there isn't one I'll just carry on. If there is, I have no way of knowing which religion is the correct one since they all claim to be the correct one, and what would be the point of having to choose a religion that might be the wrong one? So even if there is a God, there's no way to determine how to acknowledge/worship/obey or whatever, so I'll just acknowledge that maybe there could be a "force" or something but I can't do anything about it, so I don't go to any church at all and I don't worry.