I'm OK with seeing ads on sites that are useful to me. I refuse, however, to visit bloggish sites that display nothing but over-hyped clickbait ads.
If a place has information that is useful to me, I'll wait until it settles down so I can read the content. It's not the best UX in the world there at Patheos, by any means, but it's really just a second or two until everything is loaded. Of course, that depends on the latency time for advertising content hosted elsewhere. Once in a while, fetching that content slows the process.
There's a way to fix that, of course, but it's apparently not a high priority there.
Really, the only problem is with the banner ads under the link labels. Since Patheos doesn't have a fixed size for those ads, it can't block out that space until the ad is fetched. So, the page content bounces until the ad is fetched and rendered at its own size. All they'd have to do to fix that would be to standardize the image size for all banner ads. then, they could create the space and lock the display to prevent the bounciness. It's all about page rendering. Oh, well...