unless it's trying to prevent something much worse.
...But Dallas attorney Tahira Merritt questions the timing and motivation. Her hallways are lined with newspaper clippings from dozens of priest abuse cases she's handled, mostly in Texas.
"It's window dressing, it's words and it's really just a ploy to prevent the attorney general or other truly independent bodies from investigating," Merritt said.
As for "credibly accused", Bishop Burns explained in a news conference Wednesday that each allegation is turned over to a law enforcement agency. A review board that consists of doctors, educators, psychologists and parents assist in looking into the credibillity of an allegation. The review board is hired by the diocese, and that's where Merritt sees a problem.
"It's kind of like the fox guarding the hen house," she said. Merritt believes not just clergy names but their files should be released to get to the full story.