Although, they may be a little more than one guy in his basement, who doesn't appear to be driving off like-minded followers:
Association with the Catholic Church
The League is not part of the Archdiocese of New York, though it does rent an office on the same floor as the headquarters of the Archdiocese.[1] According to a New York Times interviewer, the organization "maintains close ties to the [archdiocesan] leadership. Several bishops make personal donations. Cardinal O'Connor spoke at the group's 25th anniversary reception in 1998 and vacated part of his suite for its expanding operations, said Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York."[1] The League includes on its website endorsements from such prominent clerics as Cardinal Edward Egan (former Archbishop of New York), Cardinal Roger Mahony (former Archbishop of Los Angeles), Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, and Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore, as well as Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., all of whom have endorsed the League's activities and exhorted Catholics to become members.[3]
The New York Times reported that the Catholic League had 11,000 members when Donohue took over the group in 1993. By 1999, membership had grown to 350,000, two-thirds of whom were paying members.[1] This is the last estimate of overall membership that the League made. The League's 2003 statement claimed 15,000 members in Nassau and Suffolk counties of New York alone.[11] Annual donations entitle members to home delivery of the print version of Catalyst, the group's monthly journal, which is also available for free on the Catholic League's website.