In reply to the discussion: Do you have the correct religion? [View all]Pendrench
(1,389 posts)These are just my thoughts on the matter, but as a believer, I think that if there is a god, then it/she/he is more concerned about how we treat others, rather than the particulars of what we believe, or even if we don't believe at all.
It seems to me that religion/faith reflects the times we live in, as well as where we live, and how we were raised/educated. So it does not surprise me that there are (and have been) a multitude of different ways to view god, worship god, and to codify those beliefs.
Unfortunately, I think that we believers focus too often on those differences, rather than what should be our common core of belief: to love each other and to take care of those less fortunate than us.
So even though I'm a Catholic, I believe anyone who lives their life for the sake of others (regardless of their belief or non-belief) is doing "the will of god".
I've used this quote before, but I think that it is also apt here - in his biography, Fulton Sheen said that when he gets to Heaven, he expects three surprises:
1. People who he thought would be there would NOT be there.
2. People who he did not think would be there WOULD be there.
3. And the biggest surprise of all would be that HE would be there.
Again, thank you for starting this discussion.
Wishing you well and peace.