So many pantheons involve one of the gods putting the sun in the sky, or moving it across the sky each day, or building a new sun each day. or whatnot. It's one of the central, existential questions which religion pretends to answer so most invent a fairly central story.
But even their beginning is just a screwed-up version of the birth of our solar system, rather than the universe. And while many of these creation stories do at least manage to guess right about our sun being (probably) the last star here, I can't actually think of one which genuinely acknowledges that our sun had at least two predecessors right here in our little patch of matter. Put aside all the problems with biology, chemistry--and all the other problems with physics--and it's like their gods were very late to the game somehow. Where were these gods in the earlier stars' lives? Any god who showed up that late really isn't big enough for my universe, all things considered.
It's enough to make you wonder if their gods were completely unaware of how stars function and this is all just a bunch of malarkey invented by superstitious people with no idea how the world worked.