The best choke for hunting both dove and duck is... improved cylinder. [View all]
Outdoor Life in its latest issue confirmed that fuller chokes do NOT result in longer shot streams (full chokes are about the same as IC in that regard) due to the drafting effect of the tighter patterns. ICs, on the other hand, result in the outer pellets of the wider patterns pealing back (and slowing), thus equaling the full chokes in long patterns, but without the effect of drafting. Some duck hunters have known this for years, and use less choking, esp. over decoys when birds are usually closer and moving slowly.
I also use IC when hunting dove. The result has been more downed (and found) birds than when using modified chokes. And virtually all my kills this season have been via pass-shooting, using 1 1/8 oz of #8s at 1,200 - 1,250 fps. That suggests another recommendation: 8s are better than larger shot, and the more of them the merrier!
Incidentally, the add-on Remington IC tube makes a nice even pattern, even for a bottom-of-the-boat Remington 870 Express.