and until people are held accountable for their crimes and misdeeds others will feel embolden and will continue to commit crimes.
TFG ushered in a mood of entitlement. He led by example. Look at all the crime he; his family; and his cronies have gotten away with and have never been held accountable. Others see this and they tell themselves - if they can do this - so can I.
So everything from breaking traffic laws (i.e., speeding, going thru redlights, driving on shoulders, etc) to shooting and killing people and everything in-between - is fair game. This includes smash and grab; Gosar & Bobert racial hits; Karen's & Ken's as anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers; insurrectionists; to car jackings; shootings on expressways ; you name it crimes that aren't being acknowledged by law enforcement nor the judicial system.
It's appearing to people that those committing illegal acts have the legal system on their side and that they could actually get away with murder and be rewarded for it. From TFG to all sorts of politicians at all levels to police to KRit in Kenosha to speeders on the streets to gangbangers to famous stars to bankers to the entitled 1%'ers and everything in-between.
It is the wild, wild west out there. And until we begin to start holding people accountable - this will only get worse.
It's looking like laws are there to protect the guilty. Lawyers are there to help lie for you to get you off. Judges interpret those laws based on their beliefs.
We need new sheriffs in town. We need to start checking our guns in (metaphorically speaking). We need to be getting back to being a lawful society - because it's looking like lawlessness reigns.
I'm gonna stop here because I think you get my point. Thanks for putting up with my rant.