TA did a lot more than tell her she wasn't marriage material- extremely abusive on that tape. They both had a very obsessive 50shades high beam focus on each other, 83k texts back & forth. Det. F
Said it would be 900 pages and take 2 yrs. to transpose.
The precipitating event was about fear and shame of exposure. Mormon religion is a strange one, their number 3 commandment is NO SEX OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE.Not just no adultery as in 10 commandments but no single sex up to and including any foreplay. If you are turned in, you can't just do the catholic way of forgiveness, no you are excommunicated from the Mormon church if the bishop says so. TA had been through this once and I imagine it was horrifying to him at losing everything. He had become an elder. I couldn't believe this was a sin just under not believing in spirit, and murder but that is what Mimi testified to
JA had told him someone came into restaurant and said Travis was having sex.it is hard for anyone to imagine any reaction other than yeah, so what-but this religion doesn't allow for any normal hanky panky. So, he was furious. Notice on the tape, he never says what she has done to hurt him worse than his father....never says the words.
So, he goes for her vulnerable spot by saying he will expose her to everyone...he threatens to out her to her friends & family etc to all crazy shit she's done". This is her Achilles heal. She wants desperately to be accepted by them as she feared big time exclusion once again.