New Jersey didnt know how to fill it. It really did help in the hospital.
I actually did not decide on a name yet. We are still working on the musical arrangement for the instruments, and often a line stands out to become the title. I gave them lyrics the day before that are more comparable to their metal genre, so they are working on that in the studio. It includes a bit of cursing, its snarking and even mean, so I didnt share it here! Some topic, for the most part, though. They agree to do one my way for about every 4 or 5 that I write for them, so I try to be patient. I was considering Not Even on TV, but I wrote one about addiction where the chorus repeats I am not your savior so originally I named it Savior. We changed it to Close the Curtain because one stanza says: Life isnt certain/ Im not that person /I closed the curtain/ Go save yourself. It was a switch of emotion in the song, and stuck with listeners, so we changed the title. When I publish poetry, I rarely do titles, unless the publisher insists. Its just not my thing. But songs need them.