The closest I can think of is a novel "43000 Years Later" by Horace Coon. This one has aliens coming to this planet 40 plus thousand years from now, and discovering the destroyed civilization of the 20th Century.
Personally, I've long wanted to read or perhaps write a novel that involves the discovery of a very ancient civilization from 65 or more millions of years ago. I would need to research to figure out what sorts of evidence would survive that vast period of time.
Put it this way: what if during dinosaur times, some specific species of dinosaurs had evolved the kind of intelligence to create civilization. Sort of the way one specific species of mammals did somewhat more recently. Anyway, say they were wiped out, along with so much else, when the comet struck some 65 million years ago. What exactly might have been wiped out? Cities? A technological civilization? After all these years, and all the changes in the land, could we possibly recognize the evidence of civilization?
Put it this way: If all humans were to suddenly disappear, what evidence of our existence would remain 65 million years from now?