And I'm the first person to start complaining about things that aren't quite accurate.
I discovered them a couple of years ago when a co-worker gave me one, somewhat in the middle of the series. I expected it would simply be a good, if flawed, read. I was completely blown away. I promptly went to my library and started reading them in order. They were even better than I expected.
When I saw that Tom Cruise was going to play Reacher I sighed, and have not seen the movie. It's hard to say which matters more to me: I no longer watch any Tom Cruise movies, or the fact that physically the casting made about as much sense as casting me would. Hey! Let's cast a 65 year old somewhat out-of-shape and noticeably overweight woman in the part. Honestly, I have absolutely NO experience acting, not even in high school, so I'd make almost as much sense as Tom Cruise.
I do have the newest book on reserve. Can hardly wait. Lee Child can't write them fast enough for me.
Among the things I like about the series is that some of them are first person, some third person omniscient. And he sometimes mixes up the chronological time. I sort of wish the violence weren't so strong, but that's me.