The Master Butchers Singing Club-Chapter 2-SPOILERS [View all]
This thread is set up for discussion of the book by Louise Erdrich, and will be posted chapter by chapter (as I finish them or if you want to participate, you can post an OP for the next chapter). This way, we can see how our opinions of the book and characters change or not over time. If you are joining the discussion, stop after each chapter and post before going on so you don't have more information than anyone else reading this.
Chapter 2
The only thing that comes to mind is
Delphine and Cyprian are a very odd couple indeed. I keep reading and wondering what is drawing them to each other. Although Delphine seems to be too willing to be in love, seeming to naively crave it, she certainly held up well and with poise when everyone in the street was appalled by Cyprian's exhibition at the window, as well as when she saw what was happening between Cyprian and his lover. In fact, I really liked her when she nonchalantly sat and started talking to them. That was such a hilarious scene---I could just imagine it.
Cyprian is a balancer who does not seem to be entirely balanced, and Delphine is the tough rock under his, but I am not sure that she is so tough. These are two characters who I can't wait to find more information about.