I just started reading it last night, and I am a slow reader----obviously more so then you are, since I could not possibly take 4 books out of the library at the same time!
I checked and there are 16 chapters. I will read through chapter 5, then post my thoughts through then as post 1. I will then read through chapter 10 and post a part 2. I will post part 3 after I finish. Or if anyone else finishes a section first, they are welcome to start an OP. By stopping and posting a few times through the book, we can make sure that everyone is at the same point and doesn't know anything that happens later in the book---and I wonder if we will change opinions of things and people at different points in the book.
This is just an experiment to see how this goes. Don't expect me to read fast, I have too many other things I have to do (like working and coming home tired) and just don't have enough time to just sit and enjoy books----like I would like to do. I figure that this setup could allow people to get into discussion, even if they read the book six months from now.
I am glad to hear you will join me. I hope I have chosen an interesting book---so far, so good though.