Per google:
How often do I need to see my doctor for prescription refills?
If your doctor includes refills on your prescription, you have one year to use them. After that, you or your pharmacy will need to contact the doctor for another prescription.
A standard prescription is valid for 6 months from the date on the prescription, unless the medicine prescribed contains a controlled medicine.
Thus, I go in to see my PCP every 6 months to discuss with him any changes in my health, and have a very minimalistic exam - basically he listens to my heart and lungs. After this, I go to the lab in the same office to have blood drawn for various things he has ordered. The lab results will determine any changes to my meds.
I have never gone in for the "Medicare Wellness Check," much to their chagrin. I think it is just how to eat healthy, how important it is to keep a healthy weight and exercise, a bone density test, and stuff I don't need to know, as I already know what I'm doing wrong.
It's free, but since I already see my doc every six months, and a cardiologist and pulmonologist each once a year, I just don't see the need. YMMV.
Hope this helps.