No annual exam after 70? Or 65? [View all]
I have been having an annual exam with my primary physician each year for the past 10 years that I have been a patient.
But this year I was thinking of changing clinics. It merged with the U which, while supposedly internationally known I would prefer to stay way. Last year I could not get any response about the Covid vaccine. My spouse - already 75 and vaccinated - was scheduled for an open heart surgery. Once all the Holidays Covidiots were flushed from the hospital, and I desperately wanted a vaccine. Any email response was from a roboreader and trying to call was: all representatives are busy etc.
Then I found that a different clinic associated with the local hospital had a separate lottery for 65 and older. I managed to get an appointment - online - and a shot within a week.
Thus, I decided to move my "business" to that clinic. Already my oncologist and cardiologist are with this hospital.
And... seems that this was Medicare Wellness. Whatever that is. That, apparently, annual exams are not recommended, or needed for seniors over 65 or 70 (I don't recall). My vitals were measured, my prescriptions were filled, I was reminded to have a colonoscopy - seems that this is the call for seniors these days - and... that was it.
I did not even remove my clothes. No cognitive test - remember Whinny Donny proud repetition - except to inquire whether I think I have a problem with my memory. Yes, I do forget certain words on occasions.
So.... I will have to reconsider next year.
What are the experience, if any, of others here?