I fell on my head again last night [View all]
For some reason I didn't turn on the bathroom light when I came up to bed. I felt along the sink to the toilet and then bent forward, feeling behind me for the toilet seat (we have a nightlight in there, but it's not bright enough). I overbalanced and pitched forward right into the shower, head first. Our shower has no curtain or door, but it does have a lip about two inches high to keep the water in.
I lay there a few minutes, feeling stupid, then started trying to push/pull myself up to hands and knees, My arms were suddenly very weak, and I couldn't get my hips out over that lip. I started wedging my hips up by putting my elbows behind me--anyway, it was hellish.
My husband is a heavy sleeper, and the door to our bedroom was shut. I butt-walked myself out into the hall until I could start kicking the door. He got up, and we just couldn't get me to my feet. Then it occurred to me that if I could get myself to the stairs, I could sit at the top with my feet a couple of steps down, and then he could pull me up, with me pulling on the banister.
I've ordered a Help I've Fallen set, which has a sender for me to wear around my neck and two receivers, one for upstairs and one for down, that he can carry around in his pocket if he wants to.
Am I the most decrepit "senior" here? Is anybody else a "faller?" Are you scared shitless, like I am?