Being the family matriarch is hard work. [View all]
I had to laugh, yesterday. After the meal was over and people were getting ready to leave, someone said 'Well, this was a pretty easy dinner!' I just smiled. I spent Saturday scurrying around, cleaning the house. That continued yesterday morning, along with getting all of the fur babies taken care of. I made the side dishes, pulled out the table so I could put in the extensions, set the table, prepared appetizers, got the wine ready, chased the kid cats OFF of the table (I ended up putting the plates upside down), and then cleaned myself up and changed out of sweats.
Once everyone arrived I put out the appetizers and made sure everyone had wine. Also had to keep checking on the kidcats because except for Madoc, none of them particularly like it when I have company. That kind of causes me some stress.
I tried to keep up on the prep dishes as I made things and then got the dinner stuff washed before I brought out the dessert. After everyone left I washed the dessert stuff and the wine glasses. This morning I washed what ever I missed yesterday.
So, yea, easy squeezy.
The only thing I wasn't responsible for was the main dish - smoked lamb chops. They were delightful. I'll make a Shepard's Pie out of the left overs I kept. Not today, though. Reheating theft over shrimp with sugar peas will be much less labor intensive.
This old dame is taking today OFF. I might be getting too old for this holiday dinner hosting gig