What I find annoying about doctors and being over 60 [View all]
anything they don't have an answer for -
there is a stock reply:
"You're over 60 (or 65 or whatever)"
I think in Medical School they must give them some pill that destroys curiosity.
Whereas I would think curiosity would be a great attribute for an MD.
I asked the dr. why would my 66 year old knee, which has served me well, never had a complaint from it - I walk for miles, I kneel in the garden, and so on.
why would it suddenly become agony for me to take a single step.
If he doesn't know, just say, "I don't know."
instead of ascribing it to age.
there are millions of people over the age of 60,70, 80,90- who do not have knee problems.
so clearly there is a series of events which led up to me being this way.
and clearly this dr is not at all interested in being a medical detective and figuring out the series of events.
only if I know what led here, can I try to ensure it doesn't happen again.
but graduates of our medical schools are not taught that way. They are not taught to inquire into what led to the condition.
Because if people know what led to the condition we could take some control over our health.