I am a Nam Vet. 100% medically retired in 1970. Here is a suggestion for you. The money is yours. You should use some for yourself and your family. It was intended for that purpose. If you want to share some with Vets consider those groups close to home. You will have some local group that could use a hand. Do not give it all as one large amount. They will just look for a large project to spend it all on. When they have a fundraiser or local Vet project going give a nice smaller amount to help out. You will be able to do this several times, and each of those times it will be truly appreciated. This way you will be giving it to local Vets who can use it and not take a chance on most of it going to the leadership of some well-known national group that may or may not funnel some of it to Vets who really need it. There have been too many groups that claim to support us and just raise money that is siphoned off for their own benefit. Trust me, some of the little Vet bunches could use a hand, and you are in a good place to help them.
Good Luck, and Thanks for sharing with your fellow Vets!