like you mentioned, I will get SSDI.
I also am currently rated by the VA at 70% for PTSD and I put in for an increase recently. The doctor that rated me for my current ongoing claim at the VA flat out told me that he doesn't recommend that I keep working. The people at the VA are telling me that I might get a n answer about december or January or so.
In addition to that, I'm also a federal employee and I get a third disability pension from FERS (federal employee retirement system) which is basically worth about 40% of my current federal salary offset slightly by how much I get from SSDI.
With all three benefits, if it all works out, I'd make almost exactly the same as I do now if I don't work. One of the guys that works in our HR department did exactly the same thing I did in Iraq in Vietnam. He was an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam and I was an infantry platoon leader in Iraq. I think the HR department, for the most part, has my best interest in their heart.
My feeling come and go in waves. I was feeling very down when I wrote my OP. Now, I'm actually feeling kind of optimistic.
Thanks for the thoughts.