They do pretty well, but like so many, they let the hyperbole get to themselves.
Its weapons makers are the most advanced on Earth and dominate the global arms market.
Its system of spy satellites is unsurpassed and unchallenged.
There are two dominant arms markets. Western arms, which we dominate for sure, and then there is the whole China/Russia/N.Korea market place (with additional actors) that basically serveces anyone we won't. Syria right now is accessing that other market through Russia. And there is a private market that ultimately services markets out of Western Europe (frequently Germany).
And our satellite system is threatened by recently developed systems of China. It is rapidly becoming an assumption that in any battle with China, we would lose much of our GPS capability straight away. Europe is also working on their own GPS constellation as well.
We spend our defense dollars stupidly, and we utilze that capability even worse. We could and should spend vastly less, and use it vastly less as well.